Hi, I am Melvin Drent.
I am an Assistant Professor in the School of Industrial Engineering of Eindhoven University of Technology I received my PhD in Operations Management from the Luxembourg Centre for Logistics and Supply Chain Management in 2021.
My passion is solving challenging decision problems that have societal relevance using operations research techniques. I am currently working on data-driven decision making for inventory management, healthcare operations, and condition-based maintenance. Much of this research is in close collaboration with industry.
I am always open to new collaborations. You can contact me at m.drent at tue dot nl
Journal publications
Condition-based production for stochastically deteriorating systems: Optimal policies and learning, with Collin Drent and Joachim Arts. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management (2024).
Optimal data pooling for shared learning in maintenance operations, with Collin Drent and Geert-Jan van Houtum. Operations Research Letters (2024).
Efficient emission reduction through dynamic supply mode selection, with Poulad Moradi and Joachim Arts. European Journal of Operational Research (2023).
Real-time integrated learning and decision making for cumulative shock degradation, with Collin Drent, Joachim Arts, and Stella Kapodistria, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management (2023).
The filament degradation data set of the corresponding case study can be downloaded here.
Expediting in two-echelon spare parts inventory systems, with Joachim Arts, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management (2021).
Working papers
Effective dual-sourcing through inventory projection, with Joachim Arts.
Recipient of the ISIR Best Student Paper Award 2020.
Time-dependent shipment options and shipment fees for e-commerce fulfillment centers, with Uta Mohring, Ivo Adan, and Willem van Jaarsveld.
Dedicated maintenance and repair shop control for spare parts networks, with Chaaben Kouki, Collin Drent, and Mohamed-Zied Babai.
Professional publications
Leren van het optimale onderhoudsmoment (in Dutch), with Collin Drent. STAtOR (2023).